Guest Speaker: Rev. Jeff Miller
Sermon: Messin & Blessin
Sermon Text: Romans 7:18
"For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out."
Romans 7:18 reminds us that our desire to do good and please God is evidence of our transformed hearts and ongoing growth in our faith in Jesus Christ.
Sunday Live 10:00 am
Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER: Of the People; For the People and With the People.
Being positive benefits people's spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Staying on the sunny side enhances resilience, relationships, and productivity while inspiring the community. Embracing positivity leads to a happier, more fulfilled life.
"Doing LIFE TOGETHER" Every Wednesday Bible Meeting - 6 pm to 7 pm; Study the Word of God and develop good habits; with Rev. Pastor Chad A. Kirchoff. Matthew 13:1-23 "Parable of the Sower" Ice-Breaker: Have you ever talked or sung to houseplants?
"HEADS, UP!": Open Table Discussion with Rev. Pastor Chad A. Kirchoff every Monday from 6 pm to 7 pm. The next topic is: "Satisfied" The pros and cons of Satisfaction.
Next Readings: Isaiah 55:10-13; Psalm 65; Rom. 8:12-17; Matt. 13:1-9;18-23
Luv.YA! Pastor Chad: mobile 612-751-1300 or Church: 651-437-7010.