Seize The Day

Pastor:  Rev. Chad A. Kirchoff

Sermon: Free You

Sermon Text: Matthew 10:40

"Whoever receives you receives Me, and whoever receives Me receives HIM who sent Me."


Ultimate Good News of God's ultimate victory over death and destruction.

Sunday Live 10:00 am 

Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER:  Of the PeopleFor the People and With the People. 

Satisfaction is contentment, pleasure, and peace of mind.  With Satisfaction comes improved mental, spiritual, and physical well-being.  Ultimately, Satisfaction can provide stability and motivation in life.

"Doing LIFE TOGETHER" Every Wednesday Bible Meeting - 6 pm to 7 pm; Study the Word of God and develop good habits; with Rev. Pastor Chad A. Kirchoff.  Psalm 145:1-21   "King and Glory" Ice-Breaker: What is the purpose of Royalty?

"HEADS, UP!": Open Table Discussion with Rev. Pastor Chad A. Kirchoff every Monday from 6 pm to 7 pm. The next topic is:  "Satisfied" The pros and cons of Satisfaction.

Next Readings: Zech. 9:9-12; Ps. 145:1-14; Rom. 7:14-25; Matt. 11:25-Luv.YA!

Pastor Chad: mobile 612-751-1300 or Church: 651-437-7010.