Powerful Force

Guest Speaker: Rev. Jeff Miller

Sermon:  "Ministry"

Sermon Text:  2 Cor. 3:12-18: 4:4:1-6.


This beautiful message on the Holy Spirit's transformative power sheds light on the glory of God, which dwells within us all.

Sunday Live 10:00 am https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbMeocSJoq1xzZHyRuKeSJQ?view_as=subscriber 

Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER:  Of the People; For the People and With the People.

Love is a powerful force that knows no bounds. It brings joy, happiness, and fulfillment to our lives. It can also cause pain and heartbreak. Love is complex, yet worth it.

"DOing LIFE TOGETHER" Every Wednesday Bible Meeting - 6 pm to 7 pm; Study the Word of God and develop good habits; with Rev. Pastor Chad A. Kirchoff.  Mark 1:9-15  "Temptation of Jesus" Ice-Breaker: What is temptation, and why do people often succumb to it?

"HEADS UP!" Open Table Discussion with Rev. Pastor Chad A. Kirchoff every Monday from 6 pm to 7 pm.  The next topic is:  "Freedom or Security" In the freedom versus security debate, individuals must weigh the trade-offs and implications carefully.

Next Readings: Gen. 22:1-18; Ps. 25:1-10; James 1:12-18; Mark 1:9-15

Luv.YA! Pastor Chad: mobile 612-751-1300 or Church: 651-437-7010.