Guest Speaker Rev. Jeff Miller
Sermon Title: "Righteous"
Jesus Christ's Baptism is Good News. A beautiful reminder that God loves us and is always with us, no matter what we go through in life.
Sermon Text: Matthew 3:17
"…behold, a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."
Sunday Live 10:00 am
Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER: Of the People; For the People and With the People.
Let's be honest; optimism is not the save-all to life's challenges. But it's better pessimism. Optimistic people are realists that look for the good in every situation. If there are none, they create one and make things better. Optimists stay prepared for life's challenges. They keep fit, study, and maintain a healthy balance of positive and realistic thinking.
"Doing LIFE TOGETHER" Every Wednesday Bible Meeting - 6 pm to 7 pm; Study the Word of God and develop good habits; with Rev. Pastor Chad A. Kirchoff. John 1:29-42 "Jesus First Disciple" Ice-Breaker: Who would be the best person to talk to; to help you celebrate your good news?
"HEADS, UP!": Open Table Discussion with Rev. Pastor Chad A. Kirchoff every Monday from 6 pm to 7 pm. The next topic is: "Mind Control?" Is mind control possible and ethical, and how effective can it be?
Next Readings: Is. 49:1-7; Psalm 40:1-11; 1Cor.1:1-9; John 1:29-42
Luv.YA! Pastor Chad: mobile 612-751-1300 or Church: 651-437-7010