See People Better

SERMON: Rev. Pastor Chad A. Kirchoff

Sermon Text: John 20:17

Jesus said to her, "Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God."

Theme: "Quest of Christ"

Christ comes to His followers and removes fear and sorrow with instant joy and hope.

Sunday Live 10:00 am 

Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER:  Of the People; For the People and With the People.  

It is not difficult to see people are hurting.    Most people around us suffer from some stress.  The tricky part is genuinely helping people.  People like to hide their pain for many reasons.  ReDO fitness cuts through those barriers in God's love and grace to reduce pain and suffering.

LIMITED "Doing LIFE TOGETHER" Zoom 853 7897 7953 Every Wednesday Bible Meeting - 6 pm to 7 pm; Study the Word of God and develop good habits; with Rev. Pastor Chad A. Kirchoff.  John 20:1-18 "Jesus Appears To Mary Magdalene" Ice-Breaker: How does visiting a cemetery make you feel?

LIMITED "HEADS, UP!": Zoom 849 324 693 Open Table Discussion with Rev. Pastor Chad A. Kirchoff every Monday from 6 pm to 7 pm. The next topic is  "Can You Love Too Much?".   Love is powerful, and it's something worth talking about.

Readings: Acts 5:12-20; Psalm 148; Rev. 1:4-18; john 20:19-31

Luv.YA! Pastor Chad: mobile 612-751-1300 or Church: 651-437-7010.