Grace of Jesus Christ

Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER:  Of the People; For the People and With the People.  

 You are the Congregation of the DO’ers of GOOD.  We all need help and by the Grace of Jesus Christ we are Helped.  ReDO fitness offers good news and solutions to worldly problems.  Because of your love and support, people live better lives. Thank you for HELPING.  Here is what your hard earned dollars go toward.

  • Mind: Higher Levels of Thinking

  • Body: Stronger Healthy Bodies

  • Soul: Nourished from the Word of God

  • Social: Safe place for connecting people to God and with each other

  • Faith and fitness activities building ongoing relationships with all people

  • Reaching into the lives of disconnected people in high-need

  • Incorporating fitness activities to develop constructive life skills

  • Building a strong community of encouragement. Welcome HOME.

Contributors share the GOOD NEWS of The Lord Jesus Christ!

If you believe in a Good community, Please keep our community Good by going online to and becoming a contributing member of GOOD.  May God Bless You. Luv.YA!Pastor Chad

You membership includes:

 “Doing LIFE TOGETHER”:  Wednesday Bible Meeting 6pm to 7pm; Study the Word of God and develop good habits; with Rev. Chad A. Kirchoff. Help For The Lost “ Heb. 3:1-19  Learn about entering into God’s Rest.  Rediscover Who It Is that helps bring you HOME.

 “Faith Journey”: Thursday Night at 7:00pm. Faith Journey is a high school / young adult study group that has great discussions and music. Join us and bring your friends! Located in the sanctuary lead by: Jackson C. Kirchoff and Noah Kullmann

“HEADS UP!”: Open Table Discussion every Monday from 6:00 pm to 7:00pm Next topic is  Is Anger, Good or Bad?”

Next Sunday Duet. 34:1-12, Psalm 99, Heb. 3:1-6, Luke 9:28-36

Luv.YA! Pastor Chad: mobile 612-751-1300 or Church: 651-437-7010.

Undoubtedly TRUE

Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER:  Of the People; For the People and With the People.  

 Insecurity doesn’t discriminate; it mistreats people equally. Uncertainty can come in many forms. A person who suffers from social anxiety or low self-esteem are common. However, insecurity can also occur in the way of teenagers who are insecure about grades. They feel if they get a low score their friends might look down on them. ReDO fitness doesn’t discriminate. Through GOD’s GRACE of fitness, kindness, charity, and mercy, the public well-being is strong and healthy. It is undoubtedly true; the folks of ReDO fitness feel secure to be themselves, to explore faith, and build friendships.  A prayer for you,” May God bless you with health and happiness. In Christ, Amen.  Luv.YA! Your friend and servant Pastor Chad

 If you believe in a SECURE community, please keep our community SECURE by going online to and becoming a sustaining member of GOOD.  May God Bless You. Luv.YA!Pastor Chad

 Doing LIFE TOGETHER”:  Wednesday Bible Meeting 6pm to 7pm; Study the Word of God and develop good habits; with Rev. Chad A. Kirchoff. Love for Enemies “Luke 6:27-38

 “Faith Journey”: Thursday nights at 7:00pm. Faith Journey is a high school / young adult study group that has great discussions and music. Join us and bring your friends! Located in the sanctuary lead by: Jackson C. Kirchoff and Noah Kullmann

“HEADS UP!”: Open Table Discussion every Monday from 6:00 pm to 7:00pm Next topic is “What is beauty?

Over Whelming GOOD

Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER:  Of the People; For the People and With the People.  

It is cold and the snow is coming down us.  Cheer UP! There is Good News; Spring is coming. The Snow and Cold is not slowing down God one bit. He is picking up the pace and bringing people Home to His Church every day.  There are so many people receiving God’s Grace and Mercy through fitness. Christ LOVE is “Over Whelming GOOD”. Nearly 1400 people are being served with the Love of Christ.  I believe God is DOING what HE does BEST! Loving all People. Connecting people to HIMSELF and with each other.  The Community is getting STRONGER and STAYING HEALTHY.  Go GOD GO!

 If you believe in a STRONG community, Please keep our community STRONG by going online and becoming a sustaining member of GOOD.  May God Bless You. Luv.YA!Pastor Chad

Whoomp, There HE IS

Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER:  Of the People; For the People and With the People.  

It only takes one person DOING GOOD for others to make big changes. Though the world can seem dark and dangerous at times, there comes a place called ReDO fitness; offering HOPE for all people.  Here people are strong-  MIND BODY and SOUL. They are GOD’s devices for DOING GOOD in our COMMUNITY. God Tells us,  “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith”. Galatians 6:10.  Pastor Chad invites you to BE that One Person to DO GOOD, You HAVE purpose; You Are Always Welcome HOME at ReDO fitness. If you believe in a STRONG community, Please keep our community STRONG by going online and becoming a sustaining member of GOOD.  May God Bless You. Luv.YA!Pastor Chad


Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER:  Of the People; For the People and With the People.  

Jesus Christ cares deeply for the Hastings community. ReDO fitness cares and is meeting one of the most fundamental of community’s needs: Healthy LOVING CARE. People want to be loved; nobody wants to feel lonely. Pastor Chad believes all people matter and need a place to call HOME. If you are deeply interested in the well-being of people, please extend a warm invitation for them to come HOME to ReDO fitness. Jesus Christ accepts all, without excluding anyone.

 If you believe in a loving community, Please keep our community STRONG by going online and becoming a sustaining member of GOOD.  May God Bless You. Luv.YA!Pastor Chad

We regularly post our ministries and the Good News! Video three minutes
 proclaiming Christ’s Good News and sharing ReDO fitness.

“Doing LIFE TOGETHER”:  Wednesday Bible Meeting from 6pm
to 7pm
; Study the Word of
God and develop good habits; with Rev. Chad A. Kirchoff. “The Wedding” (Luke 4:16-30)

 “Faith Journey”: Thursday nights at 7:00pm. Faith Journey is a high school / young adult study group that has great discussions and music. Join us and bring your friends! Located in the sanctuary lead by: Jackson C. Kirchoff and Noah Kullmann

“HEADS UP!”: Open Table Discussion every Monday from 6:00 pm to 7:00pm Next topic is  What Do You Mean, Born Again?”

Luv.YA! Pastor Chad: mobile 612-751-1300 or Church: 651-437-7010.

Epidemic at ReDO fitness

Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER:  Of the People; For the People and With the People.  

People of the Hasting’s Community are connecting via ReDO fitness that offers constructive solutions.  In an individualistic world comes HOPE! Freedom from isolation and negativity by doing GOOD TOGETHER.  The HOPE is God’s Love, found in the in those who serve others, as He loved the world through His Son Jesus Christ.  LOVE is FREE it is an epidemic at ReDO fitness, people are connecting with others, praying for each other and celebrating with each other over answered prayers.  If you know someone who is tired of complaining, sick of the negativity, invite them HOME to ReDO fitness where they can connect with the Hasting’s DO’ers of GOOD!

 If you believe in a loving community; Please keep our community STRONG by going online and becoming a sustaining member of GOOD.  May God Bless You. Luv.YA!Pastor Chad


Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER:  Of the People; For the People and With the People.  

 People of ReDO fitness sing a Servant’s Song.   By training, Minds, Body and Soul, people are equipped to DO GOOD Work. Here you find God’s servants doing God’s GOOD work for Hastings, MN. Most people agree that DOING GOOD work for others is GOOD for healthy living. ReDO offers an opportunity for DOERS of GOOD; come receive GOOD: Fitness, GOOD Sunday Worship, GOOD Bible Study and participating in Monday Night’s Heads UP, GOOD Table Talks.  Doing GOOD for others has proven to reduce stress. Pastor Chad reminds us that Jesus Christ always did the will of the Father. HE never sought to please HIMSELF. The will of GOD is for people to DO GOOD for others.  Doing GOOD by serving our community is a life skill everyone can improve.

If you believe in DOING GOOD; Please do GOOD by going online and becoming a sustaining member of GOOD.  May God Bless You.        Luv.YA!Pastor Chad

Shining LIGHT

Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER: Faith and fitness of the people; for the people and with the people.   ReDO fitness shines the light on an important topic: The mission of the church is sharing the Love of JESUS CHRIST with all people. Today, over 1,340 people are being guided by The True Shining Light, Jesus Christ. Every day, the glory of God is transfiguring the lives of the people, Mind, Body and Soul. ReDO offers the community of Hastings a Safe Place where all people are the mission and welcome into God’s Church. ReDO invites people who are separated from God’s Love to come home and Share in GOD’s GRACE.  . If you believe in Mission; Please help share God’s Grace by going online and becoming a sustaining member.  May God Bless You. Luv.YA!Pastor Chad

Follow us: Hello members and friends we'll regularly post our ministries and the Good News! 

Video ReDO fitness

“Doing LIFE TOGETHER”:  January 9th
is the next meeting Wednesday
Bible Meeting from 6pm to 7pm; Study the Word of God and develop good habits; with
Rev. Chad A. Kirchoff. “Expectation” Luke 3:15-22

 “Faith Journey”: January 10th is the next meeting. Thursday nights at 7:00pm. Faith Journey is a high school / young adult study group that has great discussions and music. Join us and bring your friends! Located in the sanctuary lead by: Jackson C. Kirchoff and Noah Kullmann

“HEADS UP!”: January 7th is the next meeting Open Table Discussion every Monday from 6:00 pm to 7:00pm Next topic is  What Scares YOU?”

Luv.YA! Pastor Chad: mobile 612-751-1300 or Church: 651-437-7010.


Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER: Faith and fitness of the people; for the people and with the people.   God’s People ARE TRANSFORMERS. They can be found training their skills at ReDO fitness.   ReDO is the safe place, THE Life-Enhancing place. Where the people who come go away with many FREE GIFTS: life skills, physical fitness, creativity thinking, collaboration, flexibility and emotional intelligence. These are God’s Gift to all who Believe.  The future is indeed secure and safe for all who BELIEVE. This year 2019 will be Prosperous and SUCCESSFUL, but not by those who are the smartest, strongest or finest; but by those who believe in JESUS CHRIST- GOD’s GREATEST GIFT to ALL PEOPLE. Allow yourself to introduce the Love of Jesus to your friends and family; invite them HOME to ReDO fitness, where Miracles Happen Every Day.  Luv.YA!PastorChad

 Please help share God’s Free gift by going online and becoming a sustaining member.  

 Follow us: Keep in Communications.

Video ReDO fitness Church: Share the link; be the difference.

“Doing LIFE TOGETHER”:  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! January 9th is the next meeting

“Faith Journey”: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! January 10th is the next meeting

“HEADS UP!”: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! January 7th is the next meeting

Luv.YA! Pastor Chad: mobile 612-751-1300 or Church: 651-437-7010.


Where FAITH & FITNESS COME TOGETHER: Faith and fitness of the people; for the people and with the people.   What greater gift can you give, than the one that lasts for eternity?  GOD has given us the incredible privilege of sharing the GIFT of FAITH with the Folks of Hastings.  God’s gift of ReDO fitness is the place where over 1300 people are physically getting stronger, building confidence, understanding their loving relationship with GOD, and using the best fitness equipment on the planet. Pastor Chad is grateful for the sustaining members.  Please help share the Faith by going online and becoming a sustaining member. God Bless and let the Christmas Charity flow! Luv.YA!PastorChad

 Follow us:  Keep up to date on times and events.

Video ReDO fitness Church: Share the link; Thank you
for being the difference.

“Doing LIFE TOGETHER”:  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! January
is the next meeting

“Faith Journey”: Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year! January 10th is the next meeting

“HEADS UP!”: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! January 7th is the next meeting

Luv.YA! Pastor Chad: mobile 612-751-1300 or Church: 651-437-7010.