ReDO fitness online store is NOW OPEN. From the home page see the ABOUT drop down menu.
More Good News!
Choice Dollars®
Eligible benefit members can help direct Thrivent Choice Dollars to thousands of nonprofit organizations, including congregations.
We are pleased to inform you that ReDO Church has been enrolled as a participating organization in Thrivent Choice.
Good News!
Good News! God is opening up doors and the Gospel is being proclaimed. Every week God brings in new workers and supporters for HIS ReDO Mission.
Our aim: to plant the first ReDO fitness Church in Minnesota October 2015. From this location we would like to move forward and open five more. Pastor Chad would personally be involved in the day to day operations on the first new locations.
Pastor Chad believes ReDO will be able to train the Lord's Disciples and get the operations up to speed, and will be able to open one new locations every 3 weeks.
Thanks be to the Lord for the ReDO fitness model that is not only a fitness site, but is a Church ministry site in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod {LCMS}.
Your Brother in Christ,
Pastor Chad
Church Can Be Different
ReDO Fitness. Yes it's a church! Yes it's a fitness center! Yes it's different!
There are thousands of people out there right now who are willing to walk through the doors of a fitness center, but will never be willing to walk through the doors of a traditional church. So how do we reach them? How do we connect?
We invite them to ReDO.
It's time that we start thinking outside of the box. It's time we get creative in our outreach efforts. And that is what ReDO is all about.
ReDO is a church that reaches people differently than your typical church building. It's a community of believers who are intentionally doing life together, working out together, worshiping together, communing together, and serving together. You can walk into ReDO and lift weights, run on the treadmill, attend a small group, or participate in worship. And through the power of the Holy Spirit, lives will be changed for the kingdom - body, mind, soul, and spirit! Because we believe in the power of Jesus, and that church CAN be different.
ReDO fitness has a website!
It is our prayer that the ReDO fitness website will inform and inspire! We want people to join the bandwagon of ministry in this exciting and innovative way to reach communities around us.